The first question I often hear from my new students is: "Where are you from..." - By now, I often say "Morrison" - that's where I live, in this quaint little town with a view of Red Rocks. However, I was born and raised in North Germany and came to the US through pure chance, while working years ago in the graphic arts industry as scanner operator. That's the step before printing. A company in Golden, Colorado was looking for professionals in this field and hired me. It's not been easy staying in this country, but I managed and got work visa after work visa until the Greencard came along. By now, I can proudly say, I'm a US citizen. I still like German chocolate much better though, hmmmm :-)
"The teacher will come if the student is ready" - that's how Yoga found me. In 2000, while working on my Master's Degree in International Business and working full time at Avaya, and at the same time starting my relationship with my husband Darren all came together and Yoga was really the only tool to help my mind and body to relax. Those 90 minutes of Hot Yoga were holy, it was my treat after finishing a work day or sitting all day long in front of the computer to submit a paper for school.
Eventually, I did a yoga challenge, which means you will have to commit to do a yoga practice 5 out of 7 days. For me, that changed everything. After those weeks my life was really on track. I felt strong and healthy - body and mind working hand in hand. My relationship with Darren was working out beautifully and I finished with an 'A' in my final Master Thesis. After one long Shavasana (laying in corpse pose at the end of the class) it made 'click' in my brain and things suddenly became clear, a voice very loudly demanded: " BECOME A YOGA TEACHER".
Now, this happened when I finished my degree and of course I didn't listen and tried the Corporate America way first - boy, I could really have done without it...anyhow, after a few years of trying to be somebody I simply wasn't, I decided to finally listen to this voice. My whole life was turning around yoga classes anyway. I knew exactly where to go when. If I worked until 5:30pm - I could make the 6pm class if I hurry. Or, if I went to the morning class at 6am, I could still make the meeting at 8am...that's how crazy it was. Each day was my own challenge to get my yoga class in. By now, fully addicted to the cause...Hot Yoga, Power Yoga, Vinayasa flow classes, you name it.
Eventually, in the beginning of 2005 I completed my Hot Yoga & Power Yoga training through Corepower in Denver. It was a time to reflect and realize that the training was just the tip of the iceberg. So much to learn about the yogic path. The Yamas, Niyamas, learning to concentrate, which will help you come into Dyana or meditation. All those thousands of poses (or known in the yoga world as asanas) the breathing (Pranayama, Ujjayi, Kalabati breathing or Nadi shodhana) and the effects on the body. My own humble experience of having limited abilities. Not having the 'right' yoga body, having a womanly figure and all. It took so much courage to stand in front of people and 'teach'.
But after a while I found my own voice and my own way of explaining postures, breathing and meditation. Maybe being from another country helped in a weird way, because I tried to keep it all simple and true. The best part is working with people at all different levels. You don't have to be strong or flexible in yoga - you have to be awake - mindfulness is such big part, listen to your own body. It'll tell you what feels good and what doesn't.
It is my pleasure to give this gift of yoga back to the community. I feel so honored that people attend my classes. I learn so much from my students. Many of them are more advanced in me in wisdom and connecting with other people. It helps me to be myself. The ego is still strong, but I can laugh about myself much more! Life is too short to be miserable. Being Happy is a choice and Yoga is the tool in my life to create that happiness, which I can give to back to my (bless them all) students!
I'm so very fortunate that I followed my dream teaching Yoga full time since 2005. It is an honor to participate in Yoga Teacher training at the Evergreen Center for Yoga. I'm an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher E-RYT 500. The Yoga Conference in Estes Park has been one of my favorite places to go, training with world known yogis, such as Baron Baptiste, Shiva Rea, Desiree Rumbaugh, Ana Forrest, David Swenson, John Friend, Seane Corn, Judith Lasater to just name a few. I do workshops, yoga therapy and restorative classes and am starting my own business with 'Heavenly Yoga' – which is based out of a studio in my house.
What a wonderful way to create a strong healthy body and rejuvenate your spirit. So all the people around you are drawn to this very powerful positive energy.
Yoga is such an amazing method to be strong FOREVER! You can start the yoga path at any age, at any time, at any level. Even my 80 and 90 year old yogis in wheelchairs at the Nursing home in Morrison are still improving – there are NO limitations, just in your mind...
Hope you'll enjoy this journey!
& Namaste
The spirit in me greets the spirit in you and we are all ONEPetra :-)