ShangriLa is known as an imaginary remote paradise on earth, utopia so to speak. Also known as a distant and secluded hideaway, usually of great beauty and peacefulness. Our group is very much looking forward to create an ambiance where people can spend the entire day hanging out.
ShangriLa has been officially placed for Burning Man 2019: Metamorphoses! Our camp has been placed as a Camp within BRC HOA Village and we are located @ 4:00 & Fortuna.

Physical Description
ShangriLa (Wine Camp with a Yoga Problem) is absolutely thrilled to be back to BRC in 2019. Please stop by for daily Yoga classes @ 10:30am, Wine & Happy Hour @ 5:30pm (daily) and Enchanted Handjobs @ 2pm (Tuesday & Thursday) & our absolutely cozy Chill Spot!
Our area is around 90 to 100 feet in front. Our yoga shade structure is a 90% shade cloth @ 20x36 foot end-to-end, with bike parking in the front of it. This is where we will do Yoga and Handjobs (Hand-massage). One Costco carport (10x20 foot) for our communal kitchen with updated Kitchen Rules, while the Chill spot & Weinkeller ShangriLaLa share one of the 20x36 shade structures right in front of our loaction. We will take the gray water back home with us, and created Shower Rules for our group. Our Moop efforts will be handled every day by 2 assigned members.
ShangriLa's Camp Layout 2019
We hope that you will stop by and hang out with our amazing down to earth group. We want to be ShangriLa for you and your playa friends @ Burning Man! We look very much forward to 2019. ShangriLa will be a very happy place to experience the burn and we can't wait to create this fun spot for new and old playa friends. So very thrilled to be part of this amazing Burning Man Community again and our new Black Rock City HOA Village friends! Please come and stop by ShangriLa. We love company and the vibe of the wild deep playa is always with us... "Zum Wohl"! To download: ShangriLa's Camp Layout(PDF)
For laughs & giggles, ShangriLa was mentioned in this video clip @ 24.00 minutes in...
ShangriLa's Weather Forecast: BRC's Weather!